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Tarindu Jayatilaka

Computer Science PhD Student
Purdue University

Email: tarindu [AT] purdue [DOT] edu

  • I am a second year PhD Student in Computer Science at Purdue University, advised by Tiark Rompf. Previously, I have spent time at the EPFL advised by Christoph Koch; and MIT, advised by Saman Amarasinghe and Charith Mendis. I graduated with my bachelor's degree from the University of Moratuwa in 2021 specializing in Computer Science and Engineering.

    I have also worked for Google Summer of Code with the LLVM Foundation, mentored by Mircea Trofin (Google), Johannes Doerfert (ANL), Giorgis Georgakoudis (LLNL), and EJ Park (LANL).

    My research interests lie at the intersection of programming languages, compilers, and machine learning. I have been primarily working on applying machine learning for compiler optimizations for the past couple of years.


    * equal contribution


    Awards and Honors

    Work Experience

    Purdue University
    Graduate Assistant, August 2022 - Present

    Research Assistant, January 2022 - June 2022

    University of Moratuwa
    Junior Lecturer, August 2021 - December 2021

    Google Summer of Code
    Student Developer, June 2021 - September 2021

    Google Summer of Code
    Student Developer, June 2020 - September 2020

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Reserch Intern, June 2019 - December 2019
